12Conversion from External to Internal ConfigurationConverting the 4000 MS from External to Internal configuration involves changingboth the ion source and the column position. The External ion source assembly isremoved from the trap assembly and replaced with the Internal ion sourceassembly.See the 4000 GC/MS Hardware Operation Manual for details.Checklist• Remove the analyzer from the MS manifold.• Change the ion source to internal.• Move the heat shield to the forward position.• Add the filament adapter and connect the flex cable.• Change the transfer line orientation.• Change the transfer line tip.• Cut the column to 7 mm.• Change the transfer line switch to Internal/Hybrid.• Replace the analyzer in the MS manifold.Conversion from Hybrid to Internal ConfigurationChanging from the Hybrid to Internal configuration only requires changing the ionsource. The column position and transfer line are already directed to the trap anddo not need to be adjusted.Outline1. Change the ion source.2. Move the heat shield to the forward position.3. Add the filament adapter and connect the flex cable.Effects of Hardware Configuration ChangesAfter changing the configuration, for example from External to Internalconfiguration, the following occurs when System Control is restarted.1. System Control compares the current configuration stored in the currentModule Attributes with the configuration reported by the hardware.2. If these do not match, the Module Attributes are updated (preset) to theappropriate configuration. A similar process occurs for the default method(Default.mth).3. After making the hardware configuration change, new methods will have theappropriate instrument configuration by default.NOTE: Presetting the Module Attributes requires performing all Auto Tuneroutines, because the prior Auto Tune results are invalid.