36If the GC is not ready, you will see a Not Ready message at the top of thescreen. After the GC and AutoSampler come to a ready state, the Not Readymessage will change to Ready. To determine the individual ready states of thecomponents, you can see the top pull down menu under Windows and see thestates for the 4000, 3800, and Combi PAL modules. After all components areready, you can start an analysis.An analysis can be run as a single sample or through an automated sequence.• To run a single sample, see “Injecting a Single Sample” on page 36.• To run in automation mode, see “Injecting Using a SampleList” on page38.Status and ControlBefore an acquisition has been started, the Status and Control field is similar tothe following figure.• The Run Time is 0.00 minutes.• The End Time is the run length specified in the active method.• The Ready and No Fault lights are green.Click the Start Acquisition button to override automation and start a run beforethe system becomes Ready. However, the file name of a run started in this wayis named as 4000.x.sms, not the file name specified for automation runs.Click the Edit Method button to open the Method Builder and modify the method.You are prompted to re-activate the method after saving changes and arereturned to System Control.NOTE: A change in the End Time for the MS module does not change the GCEnd Time. You must access the GC module from the Windows pull-down menuand change the GC End Time separately.