Climate control 101Remote controlThe control buttons operateidentically to the timer unit describedpreviously.To activate the remote control, pressactivation button X and release itwhen the menu bar appears in thedisplay. The signal indicator andSENd appear briefly in the display,followed by the temperature.9 WarningWhen refuelling, switch off theremote control unit as well as theheater!To switch off, press and holdactivation button X to preventinadvertent operation.The remote control has a maximumrange of 600 metres. The range maybe reduced due to environmentalconditions and as the batterybecomes weaker.In addition to the remote control unit,the heating can also be switched onfor 30 minutes, or off, using the buttonon the instrument panel.Battery replacementReplace the battery when the rangeof the remote control is reduced orwhen the battery charge symbolflashes.Open the cover using a coin andreplace the battery (CR 2430 orequivalent), ensuring the new batteryis correctly installed with the positive(<) side facing the positive terminals.Replace the cover securely.Dispose of old batteries inaccordance with environmentalregulations.