156 Vehicle care14. The prescribed tyre pressureshould be obtained within10 minutes. Tyre pressure3 189. When the correct pressureis obtained, turn off thecompressor by setting rockerswitch to position O.If the prescribed tyre pressure isnot obtained within 10 minutes,remove the tyre repair kit. Movethe vehicle one tyre rotation(approx. 2 metres). Reattach thetyre repair kit and continue thefilling procedure for 10 minutes. Ifthe prescribed tyre pressure is stillnot obtained, the tyre is too badlydamaged. Seek the assistance ofa workshop.Drain excess tyre pressure withthe button beside the pressureindicator.Do not run the compressor forlonger than 10 minutes.15. Detach the tyre repair kit. Screwthe sealant filler hose to the freeconnection on the sealant bottle.This prevents sealant fromescaping. Stow tyre repair kitunder the front seat.16. Remove any excess sealantusing a cloth.17. Take the label indicatingmaximum permitted speed fromthe tyre repair kit and affix in thedriver's field of view.18. Continue driving immediately sothat the sealant is evenlydistributed throughout the tyre.After driving approx. 6 miles, butno more than 10 minutes, stopand check tyre pressure using thecompressor. Screw compressorair hose directly onto tyre valveand compressor when doing this.19. If the tyre pressure is more than3.1 bar, set it to the correct value.Repeat the procedure until thereis no more loss of pressure.If the tyre pressure has fallenbelow 3.1 bar, the vehicle must