40 Seats, restraintsAKTĪVU DROŠĪBAS SPILVENU, jopretējā gadījumā BĒRNS var gūtSMAGAS TRAUMAS vai IET BOJĀ.ET: ÄRGE kasutage tahapoolesuunatud lapseturvaistet istmel, milleees on AKTIIVSE TURVAPADJAGAkaitstud iste, sest see võibpõhjustada LAPSE SURMA võiTÕSISE VIGASTUSE.MT: QATT tuża trażżin għat-tfal lijħares lejn in-naħa ta’ wara fuq sitprotett b’AIRBAG ATTIV quddiemu;dan jista’ jikkawża l-MEWT jewĠRIEĦI SERJI lit-TFAL.Beyond the warning required byECE R94.02, for safety reasons aforward facing child restraint systemmust only be used subject to theinstructions and restrictions in thetable 3 45.The airbag label is located on bothsides of the front passenger sun visor.Airbag deactivation 3 42.Front airbag systemThe front airbag system consists ofone airbag in the steering wheel andone in the instrument panel on thefront passenger side. The location isidentified by the word AIRBAG.The front airbag system is triggered inthe event of a front-end impact of acertain severity. The ignition must beswitched on.The inflated airbags cushion theimpact, thereby reducing the risk ofinjury to the upper body and head ofthe front seat occupantsconsiderably.9 WarningOptimum protection is onlyprovided when the seat is in theproper position.Seat position 3 31.Keep the area in which the airbaginflates clear of obstructions.Fit the seat belt correctly andengage securely. Only then is theairbag able to protect.Side airbag system