Seats, restraints 43Control indicator for airbagdeactivation 3 83. Child restraintsChild restraint systemsWe recommend the followingVauxhall child restraint system whichare tailored specifically to the vehicle:■ Group 0, Group 0+VAUXHALL Baby cradle, with orwithout ISOFIX base, for childrenup to 13 kg■ Group IFAIR G 0/1 S ISOFIX, for childrenfom 9 kg to 13 kg in this groupVAUXHALL Duo, for children fom13 kg to 18 kg in this group■ Group II, Group IIIVAUXHALL Kid, VAUXHALLKidfix, TAKATA MAXI 2/3 forchildren from 15 kg up to 36 kgWhen a child restraint system is beingused, pay attention to the followingusage and installation instructionsand also those supplied with the childrestraint system.Always comply with local or nationalregulations. In some countries, theuse of child restraint systems isforbidden on certain seats.9 DangerIf using a rear-facing child restraintsystem on the front passengerseat, the airbag system for thefront passenger seat must bedeactivated. This also applies tocertain forward-facing childrestraint systems as indicated inthe table 3 45.Airbag deactivation 3 42,Airbag label 3 37.Selecting the right systemThe rear seats are the mostconvenient location to fasten a childrestraint system.Children should travel facingrearwards in the vehicle as long aspossible. This ensures that the child'sbackbone, which is still very weak, isunder less strain in the event of anaccident.