84 Instruments and controlsFlashes when the engine isrunningFault that could lead to catalyticconverter damage. Ease up on theaccelerator until the flashing stops.Seek the assistance of a workshopimmediately.Service vehicle soong illuminates yellow.Additionally a warning message or awarning code is displayed.The vehicle needs a service.Seek the assistance of a workshop.Vehicle messages 3 93.Brake and clutch systemR illuminates red.The brake and clutch fluid level is toolow 3 154.9 WarningStop. Do not continue yourjourney. Consult a workshop.Illuminates after the ignition isswitched on if the manual parkingbrake is applied 3 126.Operate pedal- illuminates or flashes yellow.IlluminatesClutch pedal needs to be depressedto start the engine in Autostop mode.Stop-start system 3 121.FlashesClutch pedal needs to be depressedfor a main start of the engine 3 16,3 120.On some versions the operate pedalmessage is indicated in the DriverInformation Display 3 93.Antilock brake system(ABS)u illuminates yellow.Illuminates for a few seconds after theignition is switched on. The system isready for operation when the controlindicator extinguishes.If the control indicator does not go outafter a few seconds, or if it illuminateswhile driving, there is a fault in theABS. The brake system remainsoperational but without ABSregulation.Antilock brake system 3 125.Upshift[ illuminates green as controlindicator, or is shown as a symbol inthe Driver Information Centre withUplevel-Display, when upshifting isrecommended for fuel savingreasons.On some versions gear shiftindication is popped up as full page inthe Driver Information Centre.EcoFlex drive assistant 3 96.Power steeringc illuminates yellow.