Probe Installation Buried Rigid Conduit14SEALING FIELD CONNECTIONS1. Pull the wires from the probe canister into the junction box. Pull two wires from the console through the seal-offbox and into the junction box.2. Using wire nuts, connect the two wires from the probe to the two wires coming from the console. Be sure toobserve color codes or tags when making these connections. Figure 11 diagrams a typical probe field wiringconnection in the junction box.3. Do NOT terminate drain wire at this location, ground drain wire at console only.4. Seal wire nuts with epoxy sealant using one bag for two-wire nut connections (Figure 12).5. Push the tie-wrapped, epoxy sealed bag into the junction box. Replace and tighten the junction box cover.Figure 11. Probe Field Wiring ConnectionFigure 12. Epoxy Sealing ConnectionsToPROBETerminalBlock InConsoleFromProbeBlackWhiteprobes\3mpwir.epsEpoxy sealed connections in aweatherproof junction box1/2'' rigidconduitSeal-offDo not ground drain wirein junction boxconsoles\epxy2w.epsTo consoleTie wrapWire nutsFrom probe,sensor, ortransducerA CBMake sure thatthe ends of cablesheathing are sub-merged in sealantInstructions:NOTE: When temperature is below 50˚F (10˚C), keepresin in a warm place prior to mixing (e.g., in aninside pocket next to body).1. Open epoxy sealant package, and remove resin pak.2. Holding resin pak as shown in A, bend pak along longlength.3. As shown in B, firmly squeeze the RED SIDE of theresin, forcing it through the center seal and intoBLACK SIDE.4. Mix thoroughly to a uniform color by squeezingcontents back and forth 25-30 times.5. Squeeze mixed, warm resin into one end of bag andcutoff other end.6. Slowly insert wiring connections into sealing packuntil they fit snugly against the opposite end asshown in C.7. Twist open end of bag and use tie wrap to close it offand position the tie wrapped end up until the resinjells.CAUTION: Epoxy sealant is irritating to eyes, respiratory system,and skin. Can cause allergic skin reaction. Contains: epoxy resinand Cycloaliphatic epoxycarboxylate.Precautions: Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, eye, andface protection. Use only in well ventilated areas. Washthoroughly before eating, drinking, or smoking.