Troubleshooting Replacing the CPU Board61Probe Diagnostic ReportThe Diagnostic Report example below is a printout of probe information, for all tanks. The probe functions arediscussed in Figure 23.DIAGNOSTICSSOFTWARE VERSION 349771-001-ATANK : 1 2 3PROBE TYPE : GLB8 GLB8 GLB8SERIAL NUMBER : 123001 123002 123003PROBE ID : D021 D021 D021PROBE LENGTH : 96.0 96.0 96.0GRADIENT : 350.00 350.00 350.00NUMBER SAMPLES : 20 20 20SAMPLES READ : xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxSAMPLES USED : xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxCOUNTS 00 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx01 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx02 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx03 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx04 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx05 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx06 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx07 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx08 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx09 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx10 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx11 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx12 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx13 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx14 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx14 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx15 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx16 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx17 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx18 : xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxReplacing the CPU BoardThe CPU board in the console must be replaced when:• A system self-test failure occurs during a warm or cold boot, or• The display (on certain models) contains garbled messages and/or the voltage between the GND and 8V testpoints on the back of the CPU board is within 7 - 9 Vdc; or,• The voltage between the GND and 5V test points [Figure 24] on the back of the CPU board is not within 4.75 -5.25 Vdc.1. Turn Off power to the system.OFF