6310 Diagnosis, asset management and serviceVEGABAR 82 • 4 … 20 mA/HART45030-EN-140710will be monitored. If the values are outside the specified range (seechapter "Technical data"), then these messages are outputted:• Status message "Failure"• False signal via the current outputThe following table shows the error codes and text messages in thestatus message "Maintenance" and provides information on causesas well as corrective measures.CodeText mes-sageCause RectificationM500Error in thedelivery sta-tus– Stored delivery status isincorrect– Send instrument for repairM501Error in thenon-activelinearizationtable– Index markers are not con-tinuously rising, for exampleillogical value pairs– Check linearization table– Delete table/Create newM502Error in theevent memory– Hardware error EEPROM – Exchanging the electronics– Send instrument for repairM504Error on andevice inter-face– Hardware defect – Check connections– Exchanging the electronics– Send instrument for repairM507Error in theinstrumentsettings– Error during setup– Error when carrying out areset– Carry out reset and repeatsetup10.4 Rectify faultsThe operator of the system is responsible for taking suitable meas-ures to rectify faults.The first measures are:• Evaluation of fault messages, for example via the display andadjustment module• Checking the output signal• Treatment of measurement errorsFurther comprehensive diagnostics options are available with a PCwith PACTware and the suitable DTM. In many cases, the reasons canbe determined in this way and faults rectified.Connect a multimeter in the suitable measuring range according tothe wiring plan. The following table describes possible errors in thecurrent signal and helps to remove them:MaintenanceReaction when malfunc-tions occurProcedure for fault recti-ficationCheck the 4 … 20 mAsignal