The switching status of the electronics can be checked withclosed housing (only plastic housing), see "Function chart".Note:Screw the housing cover tightly to the point where theinspection glass is above the control lamp (LED).To adjust VEGACAP 65, first of all remove the housing cover.You can adapt the switching point to the solid with thepotentiometer.As a default setting, the potentiometer of VEGACAP 65 is setto mid position. To make the instrument less sensitive, turn thepotentiometer clockwise. VEGACAP 65 can then detectproducts with high dielectric value (e.g. water) more reliably.To make the instrument more sensitive, turn the potentiometeranticlockwise. VEGACAP 65 can then detect products with lowdielectric value (e.g. oil) more reliably.With the potentiometer (1) and the meas. range selectionswitch (2) you can change the switching point of the probe oradapt the sensitivity of the probe to the electrical properties ofthe product and the conditions in the vessel. This is necessaryso that the level switch can also reliably detect products e.g.with very low or very high dielectric value.Range 1: 0 … 20 pFRange 2: 0 … 85 pFRange 3: 0 … 450 pFWith the mode switch (3) you can change the switching statusof the output. The required mode can be set acc. to thefunction chart.max. - max. detection or overfill protectionmin. - min. detection or dry run protection.We recommend connecting acc. to the quiescent currentprinciple (contactless electronic switch is open when theswitching point is reached) because the contactless electronicswitch takes on the same (safe) condition if a failure isdetected.Switching point adaptation (1)Measuring range selectionswitch (2)Mode adjustment (3)20 VEGACAP 65 - with contactless electronic switchSet up30017-EN-060223