l Connecting the sensor to voltage supply and via the interfaceadapter to the PCl Start PACTware and go via the menu "Project" to the VEGAproject assistantl Select "USB", "Create new project" and "Set instrument online"l Activate the project assistant with "Start"; the connection to thesensor is carried out automatically and the parameter window"Sensor # online parameter adjustment" opensl Close the parameter window "Sensor # online parameter adjust-ment" befor you carry out further stepsl Select the sensor in the project with the right mouse key and go to"Additional functions"l Click to "Software update", the window "Sensor # software update"opensPACTware now checks the sensor data and shows the actualhardware and software version of the sensor. This procedure lastsapprox. 60 s.l Clcik to "Continue", then to file "Selection"l Select the previously extracted XML filel Push button "Update software"Then the software update can be started. The additional files areinstalled automatically. Depending on the sensor, this procedure canlast up to 15 min. Then the message appears ""Software updatesuccessfully executed".9.7 How to proceed in case of repairIf a repair is necessary, please proceed as follows:You can download a return form (23 KB) from our homepage at www.vega.com under: "Downloads - Forms and certificates - Repair form".By doing this you help us carry out the repair quickly and withouthaving to call back for needed information.l Print and fill out one form per instrumentl Clean the instrument and pack it damage-proofl Attach the completed form and, if need be, also a safety datasheet outside on the packagingl Please ask the agency serving you for the address of your returnshipment. You can find the competent agency on our websitewww.vega.com.Prepare updateLoad software into sen-sorVEGAPULS 66 • Profibus 619 Diagnosis, Asset Management and service36521-EN-120301