11.2 Communication Profibus PAInstrument master fileThe instrument master file (GSD) contains the characteristic data of the Profibus PA instrument.These data are, e.g. the permissible transmission rates as well as information on diagnostics valuesand the format of the measured value outputted by the PA instrument.A bitmap file is also provided for the Profibus network planning tool. This file is installed automaticallywhen the GSD file is integrated. The bitmap file is used for symbolic indication of the PA instrument inthe configuration tool.ID numberEach Profibus instrument gets an unambiguous ident number (ID number) from the Profibus userorganisation (PNO). This ID number is also included in the name of the GSD file. Optionally to thismanufacturer-specific GSD file, PNO provides also a general so-called profile-specific GSD file. If thegeneral GSD file is used, the sensor must be set to the profile-specific ident number via the DTMsoftware. By default, the sensor operates with the manufacturer-specific ID number. When using theinstruments on a segment coupler SK-2 or SK-3, a special GSD file must be used.The following table shows the instrument ID and the GSD names for the VEGAPULS radar sensors.InstrumentnameInstrument ID GSD file nameVEGA Instrumentclass in profile3.02VEGA VEGA withsegment coup-ler SK-2 orSK-3Profile-specificVEGAPULS 61 0x0BFC 0x9702 PS610BFC.GSD YP010BFC.GSD PA139702.GSDVEGAPULS 62 0x0BFD 0x9702 PS620BFD.GSD YP010BFD.GSD PA139702.GSDVEGAPULS 63 0x0BFE 0x9702 PS630BFE.GSD YP010BFE.GSD PA139702.GSDVEGAPULS 65 0x0BFF 0x9702 PS650BFF.GSD YP010BFF.GSD PA139702.GSDVEGAPULS 66 0x0C00 0x9702 PS660C00.GSD YP010C00.GSD PA139702.GSDVEGAPULS 67 0x0C01 0x9702 PS670C01.GSD YP010C01.GSD PA139702.GSDVEGAPULS 68 0x0C02 0x9702 PS680C02.GSD YP010C02.GSD PA139702.GSD72 VEGAPULS 66 • Profibus11 Supplement36521-EN-120301