11 EnglishTitleUsing the Quick Flush Lid (latex materials only)Cleaning the Remote Suction Set:you will need a garden hose to complete the steps below. If you do not have a garden hose available, or if you used oil-based materials, follow the Cleanup for Oil-Based Materials instructions on page 12-13 .1. To remove any remaining materialthat is left in the suction hose,remove the suction tube from thematerial container and place into awaste container.4. Using the spray tip, turn thelocking nut counterclockwise untilit is removed.7. Snap Quick Flush lid into place onthe pump housing ring as shown.10. SLOWLy turn on the gardenhose. Let the water run forapproximately 30 seconds. Turnthe water off. Remove the dualhose fitting from the Quick Flushlid.2. Point sprayer into the side ofthe waste container. Trigger thesprayer until nothing more comesfrom the spray tip.5. Slide the pump housing assemblyoff the sprayer. Remove thepiston and spring from the pumphousing. Place all removed parts(except the pump housing) into thematerial container (see inset).8. Push the dual hose fitting (a) intothe intake and return openings onthe bottom of the Quick Flush lid.The fitting with the ridge (b) goesinto the return opening.11. Remove the suction tube anddual hose fitting from the suctionhoses. Place suction tube into thematerial container.3. Unplug the sprayer. Turn thespray tip counterclockwise until itis removed. Pull out the atomizervalve, being careful not to lose it.6. Unlock dual hose fitting (withhoses still attached) from pumpassembly ring.9. Thread a garden hose into theQuick Flush lid. Place hoses (withsuction tube attached) into anempty bucket.12. Perform steps 6-11 in Cleaningthe material container (previouspage) in order to clean theremaining components of yoursprayer.(a)(b)(a)