7 EnglishFlow Control Knob / Practice Spraying1. Turn the flow knob fully counterclockwise to maximum.3. Turn the flow knob clockwise until you have a goodspray pattern.2. Point the sprayer at a scrap piece of wood or cardboard,and pull the trigger to prime the sprayer. Release triggerwhen material sprays evenly from the spray gun.4. A poor spray pattern (a) will concentrate the paint inthe center of the spray pattern and go on blotchy. Agood spray pattern (b) has an even amount of materialthroughout the pattern and will go on smoothly.The spray pattern is controlled by the Flow Control Knob onthe rear of the sprayer, and by the thickness of the materialbeing sprayed.Turning the flow knob counterclockwise increases theamount of material flow. Turning the flow knob clockwisedecreases the amount of material flow.a)b)• Always practice spraying on a piece of scrap wood or cardboard to test your spray pattern.• If you adjust the flow knob and still cannot get a good pattern, you may need to thin the material you are using.always test spraying without thinning the material. Thin as required to achieve optimum spraying performance(refer to #4).• If you are spraying a material that needs to be thinned, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.Flow Control Knob:Practice Spraying :Thinning the Material:Always test spraying without thinning the material.If you are spraying with a material that needs to be thinned, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.