English 6Remote Suction Set Setup (optional)1. Remove the material container from the pump housingby turning the pump housing ring counterclockwise.7. Submerge the suction tube assembly into the materialcontainer and attach the container clip (l) to the sideto hold it securely. Make certain the return line (m) isinside the container.3. Place a few drops of household oil down the intake (a)and return (b) openings in the pump housing.5. Push the remote suction hose onto the intake and returnports of the dual hose fitting. The larger hose (f) goesonto the intake port (g).2. Remove the suction tube.4. Push the dual hosefitting (c) into the intakeand return openingson the bottom of thehousing. The fittingwith the ridge (d) goesinto the return opening.Twist the pump housingring (e) clockwise totighten the dual hosefitting into place.6. Slide the intake hose [(h), the larger hose] throughthe container clip (i). You may need to pull the hosesslightly apart.Push the intake hose ontothe suction tube so that itis flush with the ridge (j).Make certain that the intakefilter (k) is in place on thesuction tube.(m) (l)(g)(f)(d)(c) (e)(a) (b)(i)(h)(j)(k)