74PROTEC 2K1211107235B_05427121OPERATING MANUALVERSION 02/2016 ORDER NUMBER DOC23528248.2.6 CLEANING AND REPLACING THE HIGH-PRESSURE FILTERPaint change flushingTo clean the high-pressure filter or change the filter cartridges,perform paint change flushing in accordance with Chapter 7.7.Reference is made there to this chapter.A. Place the grounded collection tank under the High-pressure filter.B. Open ball valve (1).C. Loosen union nut (3) with a size 70 wrench.D. Unscrew the union nut (3) and lift slightly so that it does not getdirty in the next step.E. Remove the filter housing (2) with the union nut (3). The conespring (12) remains in the filter housing (2). If the O-ring (5) isnot damaged, it remains on the filter housing (2).F. Remove the filter cartridge (11) and filter support (10) from thefilter housing (2).G. Clean all parts:- Place the filter cartridge (11) and filter support (10) in solvent.Clean using brush.- Fill the filter housing (2) approx. 1/3 full with solvent, securewearing a glove and shake well.- Clean the distribution housing (7) using a brush.H. If necessary, replace the O-ring (5) and/or filter cartridge (11).Order No., see Chapter 13.7.6.I. Assemble all parts in reverse order. While doing so:- Coat the thread of the distribution housing (7) with anti-seizepaste**.- Coat the O-ring (5) and pressure ring (21) with Mobilux EP2**.- Observe the installation position of the filter cartridge (11):Push the closed end with the filter identification ahead intothe filter housing (2).- Make sure that the cone spring (12) is in the filter housing(note the installation position). Press on the cone spring afterinserting the filter cartridge (11) and filter support (10); thespring action must be noticeable.- Tighten the union nut (3) by hand.K. Close ball valve (1).Continue with paint change flushing in accordance with Chapter 7.7.** Order No., see Chapter 10.2.Filter identificationMobilux EP2**greaseAnti-seize paste**Filter installationpositionTurned overB_0527653 MPa530 bar7687 psi