ProSpray 3.25 35GB Remedy in case of faultsType of malfunction % $PBUJOHNBUFSJBMFYJUTBUUIFUPQPGthe fluid sectionE. Increased pulsation at the spraygunF. Poor spray pattern ( 6OJUMPTFTQPXFSPossible cause 6QQFSQBDLJOHJTXPSO2. Piston is worn.1. Incorrect high-pressure hose type.2. Tip worn or too large.3. Pressure too high.1. Tip is too large for the coatingmaterial which is to be sprayed.2. Pressure setting incorrect.3. Volume too low.4. Coating material viscosity too high.1. Pressure setting too low.Measures for eliminating the malfunction1. Remove and replace packing.2. Remove and replace piston. 0OMZVTF8"(/&3PSJHJOBMIJHIQSFTTVSFIPTFTJOPSEFSto ensure functionality, safety and durability.2. Replace tip.3. Turn pressure control knob to a lower number.1. Replace tip, see Tip table on Page 40.2. Turn pressure control knob until a satisfactory sprayingpattern is achieved.3. Clean or replace all filters. 5IJOPVUBDDPSEJOHUPUIFNBOVGBDUVSFSTJOTUSVDUJPOT1. Turn pressure control knob clockwise to increase.Digital Electronic Spray Control (DESC) ErrorMessagesThe following error message screens appear whenever the DigitalElectronic Spray Control (DESC) detects a problem with the sprayer.0ODFBQSPCMFNPDDVSTBOEUIFFSSPSNFTTBHFBQQFBST UIFTQSBZFSwill shut down.Before proceeding, relieve any pressure remaining inthe system (valve position PRIME k). Additionally,follow all other warnings to reduce the risk of aninjection injury, injury from moving parts or electricshock. Always unplug the sprayer before servicing!Check Transducer ScreenCHECKTRANSDUCERThe Check Transducer screen appearswhen the transducer has becomedisconnected or is defective. Take the sprayer to a Wagnerauthorized service center for repair.Check Motor ScreenCHECKMOTOR5IF$IFDL.PUPSTDSFFOBQQFBSTXIFOUIFmotor or motor sensor is defective. Takethe sprayer to a Wagner authorized service center for repair.Low Voltage ScreenLOWVOLTAGEThe Low Voltage screen appears when thesprayer shuts down because of low inputvoltage. Check the power supply and correct the problem. Restartthe sprayer.High Motor Temperature ScreenHIGH MOTORTEMPERATURE5IF)JHI.PUPS5FNQFSBUVSFTDSFFOappears when the temperature of themotor has risen too high. Take the sprayer to a Wagner authorizedservice center for repair.High Control Temperature ScreenHIGH CONTROLTEMPERATUREThe High Control Temperature screenappears when the temperature of theDigital Electronic Spray Control (DESC) has risen too high. Take thesprayer to a Wagner authorized service center for repair.High Mechanical LoadHIGH MECHANICALLOAD5IF)JHI.FDIBOJDBM-PBETDSFFOBQQFBSTwhen the sprayer shuts down because ofhigh current or when the sprayer goes into current fold back mode.Take the sprayer to a Wagner authorized service center for repair.