10 • Important NotesFont ConventionsWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O ModulesWarningFor components with ETHERNET/RJ-45 connectors:Only for use in LAN, not for connection to telecommunication circuits.1.4 Font Conventionsitalic Names of paths and data files are marked in italic-type.e.g.: C:\Programs\WAGO-IO-CHECKitalic Menu items are marked in italic-type, bold letters.e.g.: Save\ A backslash between two names characterizes the selection of amenu point from a menu.e.g.: File \ NewEND Pushbuttons are marked as bold with small capitalse.g.: ENTER< > Keys are marked bold within angle bracketse.g.: Courier The print font for program codes is Courier.e.g.: END_VAR1.5 Number NotationNumber code Example NoteDecimal 100 Normal notationHexadecimal 0x64 C notationBinary '100''0110.0100'In quotation marks,nibble separated with dots (.)