18 • 750-404 [Up/Down Counter /100 kHz]Process ImageWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O Modules2. Control- / Status byte 750-404The control byte C0 serves for setting and locking the counter and for settingthe outputs. The status byte S0 shows the status of the counter and the inputsand outputs.Control byteB7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B00 0 SetcounterLockcounterSetoutputDO 2SetoutputDO 10 00 This constant must be set to zero.Status byteB7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0X X Counteris setCounterisblockedactualsignal atoutputDO 2actualsignal atoutputDO 1actualsignal atinputU/Dactualsignal atinputCLOCKX This value is not evaluated.With the control and status byte the following tasks are possible:Set Counter:Put Bit 5 into the control byte. The counter with the 32 bit value is loaded intooutput bytes 0-3. As long as the bits are set, the counter can stop andinformation is stored. The ensuing data of the counter will be conveyed to thestatus byte.Lock Counter:Bit 4 is set into the control byte, then the count process is suppressed. Bit 4 inthe status byte communicates the suppression of the counter.Set/ Reset Outputs:Bits 2 and 3 set the additional two outputs of the counter module.