10 Important Notes WAGO I/O-SYSTEM 750 XTR750-430/040-000 8DI 24 VDC 3ms XTRManualVersion 1.1.0Environmentally friendly disposal benefits health and protectsthe environment from harmful substances in electrical andelectronic equipment.• Observe national and local regulations for the disposal of electrical andelectronic equipment.• Clear any data stored on the electrical and electronic equipment.• Remove any added battery or memory card in the electrical andelectronic equipment.• Have the electrical and electronic equipment sent to your localcollection point.Improper disposal of electrical and electronic equipment can be harmful to theenvironment and human health.Pos : null /Dokumentation allgemei n/Gli ederungs elemente/----Leerz eile-( 1Z)---- @ 28\mod_1485262995837_0.doc x @ 404006 @ @ 1Pos : null /Alle Serien ( Allgemei ne Modul e)/Ü bersc hriften/Ebene 5/Ver pac kung - Ü bersc hrift 5 @ 32\mod_1537447044202_21.doc x @ 501662 @ 5 @ PackagingPos : null /Alle Serien ( Allgemei ne Modul e)/R echtliches, Allgemeines/Verpac kung @ 32\mod_1537446786416_21.doc x @ 501653 @ @ 1Packaging contains materials that can be reused.PPWD 94/62/EU and 2004/12/EU packaging guidelines apply throughoutEurope. Directives and laws may vary nationally.Environmentally friendly disposal of the packaging protects the environment andallows sustainable and efficient use of resources.• Observe national and local regulations for the disposal of packaging.• Dispose of packaging of all types that allows a high level of recovery,reuse and recycling.Improper disposal of packaging can be harmful to the environment and wastesvaluable resources.Pos : 15.10 /D okumentati on allgemei n/Gli ederungsel emente/---Seitenwec hs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1