WAGO I/O-SYSTEM 750 XTR Device Description 19750-430/040-000 8DI 24 VDC 3ms XTRManualVersion 1.1.0Do not exceed maximum values via power contacts!The maximum current that can flow through the power jumper contacts is 10 A.The power jumper contacts can be damaged and the permissible operatingtemperature can be exceeded by higher current values.When configuring the system, do not exceed the permissible maximum currentvalue. If there is a higher power requirement, you must use an additional supplymodule to provide the field voltage.Pos : 31 /D okumentation allgemei n/Glieder ungs elemente/---Seitenwechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1Pos : 32 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebesc hrei bung (alte Str uktur)/Ansc hlüsse/CAGE CLAMP- Ans chl üss e - Ü bersc hrift 3 @ 6\mod_1256296337770_21.doc x @ 43674 @ 3 @ 13.2.3 CAGE CLAMP® ConnectorsPos : 33 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebesc hrei bung (alte Str uktur)/Ansc hlüsse/DI/Anschl üss e 750- 04xx 8 DI 1-Leiter @ 16\mod_1379493980309_21.doc x @ 131745 @ @ 1Figure 4: CAGE CLAMP® ConnectorsTable 5: Legend for Figure “CAGE CLAMP® Connectors”Channel Designation Connector Function1 DI 1 1 Input DI 1: Signal voltage2 DI 2 5 Input DI 2: Signal voltage3 DI 3 2 Input DI 3: Signal voltage4 DI 4 6 Input DI 4: Signal voltage5 DI 5 3 Input DI 5: Signal voltage6 DI 6 7 Input DI 6: Signal voltage7 DI 7 4 Input DI 7: Signal voltage8 DI 8 8 Input DI 8: Signal voltagePos : 34 /D okumentation allgemei n/Glieder ungs elemente/---Seitenwechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1