WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Programming the PFC using WAGO-I/O-PRO 109750-843 ETHERNET Controller 10 MBitManualVersion 1.2.0Figure 48: Dialog Window “Communication Parameters”6. In the selection window, mark the required driver in the right side of thewindow, Serial (RS-232) 3S Serial RS-232 driver, to configure the seriallink between the PC and the controller.The following properties for the serial port are shown in the center dialogwindow:• Port: COM1• Baud rate: 19200• Parity: Even• Stop-bits: 1• Motorola byte order: No7. If necessary, change the entries according to the above values by clicking onthe respective value and editing it.8. Confirm these settings by clicking OKThe RS-232 port is now configured for transferring the application.Pos : 80.22 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/In Betri eb nehmen/In WAGO-I/O-PRO pr ogrammier en/Online, Einl oggen, Bootproj ekt erz eug en, Starten der Programmabar beitung @ 4\mod_1242106439171_21.doc x @ 32920 @ @ 19. Under Online, click the menu item Login to log in to the controllerThe WAGO-I/O-PRO Server is active during online operation. Thecommunication parameters can not be called up during this time.Depending on whether a program is already present in the controller, a windowwill appear asking whether a (new) program should be loaded.10. Respond with Yes to load the current program.11. In menu Online, click on Create Boot project.You compiled project will also be executed by this method, if you restart thecontroller or if there is a power failure.