WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 I/O Modules 211750-843 ETHERNET Controller 10 MBitManualVersion 1.2.0Pos : 102.21 /Seri e 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Proz ess abbil d M apping/ETHER NET - EtherNet/IP - MOD BU S/TC P/PA ETH ERNET - MOD BUS/TCP Teil 2 ASI- und Systemklemmen (750-342, -830, - 842, -849) @ 5\mod_1246540791017_21.doc x @ 36540 @ 434 @ AS-interface Master Module750-655The length of the process image of the AS-interface master module can be set tofixed sizes of 12, 20, 24, 32, 40 or 48 bytes.It consists of a control or status byte, a mailbox with a size of 0, 6, 10, 12 or 18bytes and the AS-interface process data, which can range from 0 to 32 bytes.The AS-interface master module has a total of 6 to maximally 24 words data inboth the Input and Output Process Image. Word alignment is applied.The first Input and output word, which is assigned to an AS-interface mastermodule, contains the status / control byte and one empty byte.Subsequently the mailbox data are mapped, when the mailbox is permanentlysuperimposed (Mode 1).In the operating mode with suppressible mailbox (Mode 2), the mailbox and thecyclical process data are mapped next.The following words contain the remaining process dat.The mailbox and the process image sizes are set with the startup tool WAGO-I/O-CHECK.Table 195: AS-interface Master Module 750-655Input and Output Process ImageOffset Byte Destination DescriptionHigh Byte Low Byte0 - C0/S0 not used Control/statusbyte1 D1 D0Mailbox (0, 3, 5, 6 or 9 words)/Process data (0-16 words)2 D3 D23 D5 D4... ... ...max.23 D45 D44