WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 147750-644 Bluetooth® RF-TransceiverManualVersion 2.0.0, valid from FW/HW Version 03/03ResponseByte 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 00 MBX_GETBBFWVERSION1 T MBX_RESULT2 Fw_Status3 Fw_HCI_Version4 Fw_HCI_Revision (High)5 Fw_HCI_Revision (Low)6 Fw_LMP_Version7 Fw_Manufacturer_Name (High)8 Fw_Manufacturer_Name (Low)9 Fw_LMP_Subversion (High)10 Fw_LMP_Subversion (Low)Return valueParameters Value Description- - -Pos : 104.4 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/AnhangReferenz-M ailbox-Befehl e_Prozess abbil d_750- 644_ÜohneC ode @ 17\mod_1386255631272_21.doc x @ 139592 @ 344 @ 112.3.4 Process Image (PI) Determining the Size of a Slot for Data Transfer in the Master PISetRemotePiSize, 0x32This command is used to limit the process image (PI) of a remote 750-644 I/Omodule within the master PI to n bytes. All slave process images in the mastertogether must not be larger than the set master PI -2. Two bytes of the total sizeare necessary for the control/status byte and an internal byte (null byte). The sizeof the master process image can be queried and configured over the parameterchannel. It is contained in the LSB by parameter 0.By downsizing the available PI, the sum of the configured cut-offs may exceedthe size of the master PI. In this case, the output configuration is already invalid.In such a case, the configuration is executed, but the error valueMBX_CMD_INVALID_CONFIGURATION is displayed. If the outputconfiguration is correct, a command that leads to an invalid configuration isacknowledged and rejected with an error.For ad-hoc slots 8 … 12, the cut-off must be at least 2 and may not exceed 16.Only effective when changed to the master roleThe process image mapping can also be configured in the slave role, but onlytakes effect when changed to the master role.ConditionsMailbox size Mode Device role Saveconfig.Reboot6 12 18 Config. Real-time Ad-hoc Master Slave● ● ● ● - - ● ● ● -