74 Commissioning WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750750-644 Bluetooth® RF-TransceiverManualVersion 2.0.0, valid from FW/HW Version 03/03Pos : 77 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften für alle Serien/Inbetri ebnehmen - Konfigurier en - Parametri eren/In Betrieb nehmen - Ü berschrift 1 @ 4\mod_1240901452750_21.doc x @ 31570 @ 1 @ 18 CommissioningPos : 78.1 /All e Seri en ( Allgemei ne Module)/Ü bers chriften für alle Serien/Inbetri ebnehmen - Konfigurier en - Parametri eren/Konfigurier en und Par ametri eren mit WAGO-I/Konfig urieren und Parametrier en mi t WAGO-I/O-CH ECK - Übersc hrift 2 @ 10\mod_1312356647294_21.doc x @ 75660 @ 2 @ 18.1 Configuration and Parameterization withWAGO-I/O-CHECKPos : 78.2 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/In Betrieb nehmen/Konfigurieren und Parametrier en 750-0644 - Einführung @ 15\mod_1365153622951_21.doc x @ 116683 @ @ 1The 750-644 I/O module can be configured using the WAGO-I/O-CHECKsoftware (version 3 or higher). The software's basic functionality is describedseparately in the WAGO-I/O-CHECK documentation.Additional informationYou receive the WAGO-I/O-CHECK on a CD-ROM under order ID 750-302.The CD-ROM includes all program files for the application. The documentationfor the WAGO-I/O-CHECK software is available on the Internet athttp://www.wago.com under Downloads > Additional Documentation andInformation for Automation Products > WAGO Software > WAGO-I/O-CHECK.Open the specific configuration dialog for the 750-644 I/O module by right-clicking on the figure for a 750-644 I/O module and selecting Settings in thecontext menu.Figure 23: WAGO-I/O-CHECK user interfaceThe content of the configuration dialog forms the basis for the followingdescription.Pos : 78.3 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/In Betrieb nehmen/Parametrier en mit WAGO-I/O-CH ECK/Konfigurieren und Parametrier en mit WAGO-I/O-CH ECK 750-0644 @ 15\mod_1365153119178_21.doc x @ 116680 @ 33333444443 @ 1The user interface of the Bluetooth® parameterization dialog is divided into thetitle bar, toolbar, navigation, operating mode / role assignment, parameterizationand status display: