27 Process Image WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750750-597 8AO 0-10V/±10V DCManualVersion 1.0.0Pos: 20 /Alle Serien (Allgemeine Module)/Überschriften/Neue Überschriften/Ebene 1Prozessabbild - Überschrift 1 @ 4\mod_1240983067828_21.docx @ 31942 @ 1 @ 14 Process ImagePos: 21 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Prozessabbild Klemmenbus/Hinweis: Prozessabbildmapping abhängig von FBK/PFC, ohne Status-/Controlbyte @ 6\mod_1256126797251_21.docx @ 43340 @ @ 1Mapping of process data in the process image of fieldbus systemsThe representation of the process data of some I/O modules or their variants in theprocess image depends on the fieldbus coupler/controller used. Please take thisinformation from the section “Fieldbus Specific Design of the Process Data”included in the description concerning the process image of the correspondingfieldbus coupler/controller.Pos: 22 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Prozessabbild Klemmenbus/Analogausgangsklemmen/Prozessabbild 750-0597 @ 25\mod_1453474509699_21.docx @ 199144 @ 2223344344 @ 1The 750-597 I/O module provides 1 status byte (8 bit) and 1 data word (16 bit) perchannel.The digitized process value is output in a data word via the process image of thefieldbus coupler/controller as output byte “0” (low) and output byte “1” (high).The process value is displayed at the following resolution:• Signal type „0-10 V”: 15 bit (bit B0 … B14)• Signal type “+/- 10 V”: 16 bit (bit B0 … B15)