61 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750750-597 8AO 0-10V/±10V DCManualVersion 1.0.0Pos: 45 /Alle Serien (Allgemeine Module)/Überschriften/Neue Überschriften/Ebene 1Anhang - Überschrift 1 @ 4\mod_1239874070437_21.docx @ 30560 @ 1 @ 19 AppendixPos: 46 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/In Betrieb nehmen/Parametrieren über GSD-Datei/Konfigurieren und Parametrieren per GSD-Datei bei PROFIBUS DP und PROFINET IO- Überschrift 2 @ 19\mod_1399559517054_21.docx @ 153249 @ 2 @ 19.1 Configuration and Parameterization using a GSDFile with PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IOPos: 47 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/In Betrieb nehmen/Parametrieren über GSD-Datei/Anhang: GSD-Dateien - Konfiguration + Parametrierung 8 AI 750-0597 @ 25\mod_1453475350821_21.docx @ 199164 @ 34434444 @ 19.1.1 Configuration 8 AO 0-10 V, ±10 V DC S.E. PROFIBUS DP Fieldbus Coupler/Controller750-333(/0xx-000), 750-833(/0xx-000)When using the aforementioned PROFIBUS DP fieldbus devices, the processimage size is configured by selecting the corresponding GSD entry.Table 34: Configuration PROFIBUS DPGSD Entry PI-Length/[byte] Data Type Inst.Module Submodule I O750-597 8AO/+/−10V/SEn/an/a 16 INT16 8750-597 8AO/+/−10V/SE RA 24 24 {UINT8, INT16}PFC 750-597 8AO/+/−10V/SE n/a n/a n/a n/a9.1.1.2 PROFINET IO Fieldbus Coupler750-370, 750-375(/025-000), 750-377(/025-000)When using the aforementioned PROFINET IO fieldbus couplers, the processimage size is configured by selecting the corresponding GSD entry.Table 35: Configuration 750-370GSD Entry PI-Length/[byte] Data Type Inst.Module Submodule I O750-597 8AO,0-10 V, +/−10 V n/an/a 16 INT168750-597 8AO,0-10 V, +/−10 V, EM 24 24 {UINT8, INT16}Table 36: Configuration 750-375(/025-000), 750-377(/025-000)GSD Entry PI-Length/[byte] Data Type Inst.Module Submodule I O750-597 8AO,0-10 V, +/−10 VINT16[8] O n/a 16 INT16 8{UINT8, INT16}[8] I/O 24 24 {UINT8, INT16}