WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 15750-495 3-Phase Power Measurement ModuleManualVersion 1.0.0Pos : 33 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Ansc hl üss e/CAGE CLAMP- Anschl üss e - Ü berschrift 3 @ 6\mod_1256296337770_21.doc x @ 43674 @ 3 @ 13.2.3 CAGE CLAMP® ConnectorsPos : 34 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Ansc hl üss e/Analogei ngangs klemmen/Ansc hlüsse 750-0495 C AGE C LAM P @ 16\mod_1376319713900_21.doc x @ 128499 @ @ 112 CAGE CLAMP ® connectors make up the measuring inputs. The 3-phasesupply network and the loads/generators are clamped here. See also section„Connect Devices“.Three connectors each form the measuring channels:• Channel 1: L1, I1+ and I1− (voltage and current of phase L1)• Channel 2: L2, I2+ and I2− (voltage and current of phase L2)• Channel 3: L3, I3+ and I3− (voltage and current of phase L3)• Channel 4: IN+ and IN− (current of neutral conductor)Figure 3: CAGE CLAMP ® connectors 750-495 and 750-495/000-001Table 6: CAGE CLAMP ® connectors 750-495 and 750-495/000-001Connector FunctionL1 Voltage L1L2 Voltage L2L3 Voltage L3N Neutral conductor(reference for all measurements)I1+ and I1− Current L1I2+ and I2− Current L2I3+ and I3− Current L3IN+ and IN− Current N