48 Process Image WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750750-495 3-Phase Power Measurement ModuleManualVersion Collections for Harmonics Analysis (020, 021, 022)The corresponding harmonics analysis collection for the selected phase Lsel andthe MET_IDs are set in the output data. Three measured values are made availablein the input data with every cycle.First, the type of measured value is selected using MET_ID_1. The followingtypes are available:MET_ID_1 = 001 : RMS value current (Ieff)MET_ID_1 = 002 : RMS value voltage (Ueff)MET_ID_1 = 003 : Current distortion(total harmonic distortion THD for fundamental wave resp.harmonic distortion HD for harmonics)MET_ID_1 = 004 : Voltage distortion(THD for fundamental wave resp. HD for harmonics)MET_ID_2, MET_ID_3 and MET_ID_4 are then used to select three waves forthe analysis (MET_ID_x = 1 ... 40 or 100). This means three measured values areprovided with the input data.Example 1:Byte Output data Input data0 0x00 0x481 0x03 (Status query) 0x032 0x00 0x403 0x14 (COL_ID) 0x14 (COL_ID_SEL)4 0x02 (MET_ID_1) 0x02 (MET_ID_1_SEL)5 0x64 (MET_ID_2) 0x64 (MET_ID_2_SEL)6 0x01 (MET_ID_3) 0x01 (MET_ID_3_SEL)7 0x02 (MET_ID_4) 0x02 (MET_ID_4_SEL)8 --- Measured value type: Ueff [7:0] = 0x029 --- Measured value type: Ueff [15:8] = 0x0010 --- Measured value type: Ueff [23:16] = 0x0011 --- Measured value type: Ueff [31:24] = 0x0012 --- Ueff – Fundamental component L1 [7:0]13 --- Ueff – Fundamental component L1 [15:8]14 --- Ueff – Fundamental component L1 [23:16]15 --- Ueff – Fundamental component L1 [31:24]