12Operating I nstructionsOPERATING THE DETHATCHERThe dethatcher can be raised or lowered to engage,or disengage, the tines as desired.1. To engage the dethatcher, pull back on the liftlever. While holding the foot trigger, lower thedethatcher into the working position as shown inEngaging Dethatcher photo.Pull Back onLift LeverHold FootTriggerEngaging Dethatcher2. To disengage the dethatcher, pull back on thelift lever until the trigger assembly engages themounting bracket.NOTE: When raising/disengaging the dethatch-er, there is resistance due to the tines being en-gaged. It is easier to disengage the tines bystopping the tractor forward motion and revers-ing the tractor while lifting.TINE ACTIONGrass should be less than 3 in. (8cm) tall for pro-per tine action. When in use, all of the tines shoulddeflect back independently and “flip” the thatchforward as shown in the Tine Action illustration. Ifthe tines drag without flipping forward, the tines aretoo low and need to be raised. If the tines remainin the free position, the tines are too high andneeds to be lowered. Refer to Adjust Tines inthe Assembly Instructions and adjust as neededfor proper dethatching action.FREE POSITIONTHATCHING POSITIONRELEASED POSITIONTine Action