Support Email/ Skype: 628.2 Plugin IssuesQuestion: I’ve already installed a Plug-in for the browser, but the live stream shows messy code like the image below:When using Internet Explorer 9 and higher toview the camera, if you already downloaded aplug-in for camera, but still have no livevideo, please perform the followingoperations:Click Compatibility View Setting (Figure 1)----- you will see Figure 2, click Add, thenclick Close.Please follow these steps to fix this issue:Open CMD ===> input command "regsvr32", press the spacekey===> find the installation package for "npHYplayer.dll",then drag "npHYplyaer.dll" into the CMD window after“regsvr32” (as shown in Figure 8.4) ====> Press Enter, adialog box will pop up (Figure 8.5) that says that thenpHYPlayer.dll has been installed successfully. Click toconfirm====>You can refresh or re-open the web page to viewcamera in real time.