16 17SLICING OPERATION• The WFP16SCD comes with an adjustable slicing disc. Theadjustable slicing disc allows you to slice foods anywherefrom 1 to 6mm thick using 16 different slicing positions!Prior to mounting the disc onto the motor shaft (see page9 for assembly instructions), use the knob to select desiredthickness. Once you have selected the thickness and mountedthe disc onto the unit, you may secure the cover onto the batchbowl or continuous fed chute and remove the pusher.• Prepare all food items to be processed by washing and peelingas required. Remove pits, stones, and large seeds. Be sure thefood will fit into the proper feed chute. Foods such as carrots,cucumbers, etc., should be cut flat at both ends to provide aconsistent slice throughout the whole product.• With foods like cabbage, lettuce or any product that has anundesirable core, the core should be removed. Medium sizecabbage or lettuce heads may be cut into thirds to fit in thefeed chute. Larger heads may need to be quartered.• When food preparation is complete, fill the chosen feed tube,position the pusher, turn the machine on and monitor theresults.• Never try to slice soft cheese. Use only hard cheese.Mozzarella may be sliced only when well chilled around 36˚F.• When sliced food reaches nearly full capacity of the bowl,remove all sliced food from the bowl.SHREDDING OPERATION• The WFP16SCD comes with a reversible shredding disc. Bothsides on this disc produce a perfect shred, one fine, the othermedium. When assembling the shredding disc, note that theside facing up will be the size shred produced. When the discis secured, you may attach the cover on the batch bowl orcontinuous feed chute and remove the pusher.• Prepare all food items to be processed by washing and peelingas required. Remove pits, stones, and large seeds. Be sure thefood will fit into the proper feed chute.• Select which feed tube to use. Horizontal placement of foodssuch as carrots and zucchini will result in a longer shredded3 or 4 times at a rate of 1 second on, 1 second off. If the food isnot chopped fine enough, let the processor run continuously fora few seconds. If the machine has trouble starting, reduce theamount of meat in the bowl and start again.Chopping/grating hard cheeseTo chop, place up to 2 lb. of uniformly cut 1-inch (2.5 cm) cubesof chilled cheese into the bowl and pulse. For grated cheese,pulse until the cheese is in small chunks (pea size), then allowthe processor to run continuously until you have the degree ofgrating desired. Cheese with high moisture content can ball up ifprocessed too long.Chopping onions, celery, cabbage, etc.Cut onions in quarters, and other vegetables into 1-inch(2.5 cm) cubes. Place the cubed food into the work bowl up to thetop of the bowl’s inner tube, and pulse until you reach the desiredconsistency.Note: If you let the blade run too long, the ingredients on thebottom will become puréed or give you uneven results.Purée or MixTo purée tomatoes, vegetables and fruits, make sauces, or mixand blend ingredients, place the ingredients into the bowl, turnthe unit on and allow it to run continuously until you reach thedesired consistency. Do not let the machine run unattended.If too much liquid is used, it will overflow. In this case, stopoperation, remove liquid to below the MAX FILL LINE andcontinue processing.Do not fill liquid past MAx LIqUID FILL LINE.ACCESSORy DISC SELECTION AND USEThe food processor disc accessories are made to perform a widevariety of food processing tasks: slicing, whipping, shredding anddicing. Four (4) accessory discs are included with the WFP16SCD.As of this printing they are:WFP16S10 - Adjustable Slicing DiscWFP16S11 - Sealed Whipping DiscWFP16S12 - Reversible Shredding DiscWFP16S13 - Dicing Assembly