15Step 22: Alignment of the Wireless Infrared Safety SensorsUse the following instructions if your opener is equipped with Wireless Infrared Safety Sen-sors. If your opener is equipped with Wired Infrared Safety Sensors proceed to step 23.IMPORTANT: This infrared beam sensor sends an invisible beam of light from the emitter unit to thetransponder unit across from the pathway of the door. The door opener will not operate until the safetysensor is programmed to the power head and it is properly aligned. If the invisible beam of light is ob-structed, an open door cannot be closed by the transmitter or a momentary activation of the wall stationup/down button. However, the door may be closed by continuously holding your finger on the wall sta-tion up/down button (constant pressure) until the door travels to a fully closed position.Note: If two or more door openers are installed inthe same garage, the safety sensor transponder forthe second and/or third doors must be set to a dif-ferent code to prevent interference with the firsttransponder. The code is set by a jumper, locatedunder the battery, closest to the center of the com-partment, as illustrated. The code jumper has threepositions (A-B-C), selected by a moveable jumper,and has been randomly set at the factory to one ofthese positions. If the factory random selection ofthe jumper position has resulted in a different code for each transponder, no further changes are necessary. Ifnot, note the position of the jumper (A, B or C) on the first door transponder and set the second door trans-ponder jumper to one of the other two positions. A third door will use the remaining un-used position. Temporar-ily remove the batteries from all but the door being worked on and then replace when all jumpers have been set.The jumper has no polarity and can be applied to the pins in either direction. For more than three doors, call fortechnical assistance.At this point you will be able to activate the opener. It will open, but will notclose the door. Before unit will close door the beam sensors must be alignedand programmed.First, the “Align-Normal” switch on the EMITTER (under the protectivecover) must be set to Align. (See illustration). This should cause theadjacent RED LED indicator light to turn on. Check to see that theEMITTER is pointed toward the TRANSPONDER and that the hex nutholding the EMITTER in place is tight enough that the unit will notmove.Loosen the hex nut on the TRANSPONDER justenough that you can rotate it up and down andside to side. Rotating the TRANSPONDER willcause the GREEN LED on the TRANSPONDERto blink when aligned. Rotate TRANSPONDER upand down and side to side to determine bestalignment. We recommend wide rotations to helpdetermine the closest center point of alignment.Tighten hex nut on TRANSPONDER and pushand hold PROGRAM SWITCH button on theopener until the light bulb and PROGRAMSTATUS LED on the opener blinks showing pro-gramming and alignment are completed. Reset“Align-Normal” switch on the EMITTER to Normaland snap cover shut.Now, using the wall control up/down button, acti-vate the opener and check that it will operatethrough full open and close cycles.All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com