TorqueMaster® Plus Reset InstructionsTools: Ratchet wrench, 5/8” Socket, 3” Socket extension, 5/8” Wrench,(2) Vice clamps, Step ladderIMPORTANT: THE DRAWBAR OPERATOR FORCE SETTINGS MUST BE ADJUSTED ACCORDINGTO THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS. SOME LIGHTER WEIGHT DOORS ARE DESIGNEDTO OPERATE WITH A SINGLE COUNTERBALANCE SPRING. IF THAT COUNTERBALANCE SPRINGBREAKS AND THE DRAWBAR OPERATOR’S FORCE SETTINGS ARE NOT ADJUSTED ACCORDINGTO THE MANUFACTURER’S SPECIFICATIONS, THE DRAWBAR OPERATOR MAY THEN HAVE THECAPABILITY OF LIFTING THE DOOR TO THE OPEN POSITION, DESPITE THE BROKEN COUNTER-BALANCE SPRING. THIS SCENARIO WILL CAUSE THE COUNTERBALANCE LIFT CABLES TO GOSLACK AND ENGAGE THE TORQUEMASTER® PLUS SAFETY SYSTEM. IF A PERSON IS UNAWAREOF THE SLACK COUNTERBALANCE LIFT CABLES AND THE ENGAGED TORQUEMASTER® PLUSSAFETY SYSTEM AND ACTIVATES THE MISADJUSTED DRAWBAR OPERATOR, DAMAGE WILLLIKELY OCCUR TO THE DOOR AND DRAWBAR OPERATOR. THE POTENTIAL ALSO ExISTS THATTHE PERSON ACTIVATING THE DRAWBAR OPERATOR UNDER THIS SCENARIO COULD BESEVERELY INJURED.WARNINgWARNINgREAD THESE INSTRuCTIONS CAREFuLLy BEFORE ATTEMPTINg TO RESET THETORquEMASTER® PLuS SySTEM. IF IN quESTION ABOuT ANy OF THE PRO-CEDuRES, DO NOT PERFORM THE WORk. INSTEAD, HAvE A quALIFIED DOORSySTEMS TECHNICIAN RESET THE SySTEM.WARNINgWARNINgTO AvOID SEvERE OR FATAL INJuRy, DO NOT STAND OR WALk uNDER AMOvINg DOOR, OR PERMIT ANyONE TO STAND OR WALk uNDER AN ELECTRI-CALLy OPERATED DOOR.This door is equipped with a TorqueMaster® plus system, a safety feature which prevents thedoor from rapidly descending in case of spring failure or forceful manual operation. If the systemengages with the door in the open position, personal items that are left unattended in the garageor home are at risk to theft. To ensure the safekeeping of these items, close the garage door.Typical signs of an engaged system.Single spring system: Visually inspect the TorqueMaster® Plus right hand end bracket to con-firm that the system has engaged (see illustration). If the system is engaged, then the door willnot close. If the drawbar operator force settings were properly set during the initial installation,the door will not open. If the drawbar operator can physically overcome the weight of the doorand lift it to the open position, then the counterbalance lift cables will be slack. If the system isengaged, DO NOT attempt to make the repairs. Instead, have a trained door system technicianmake the necessary repairs to counterbalance lift cables, spring assemblies and other hardware.Double spring system: Visually inspect the TorqueMaster® Plus end brackets to confirmthat the system has engaged (see illustration). Door will open, but will not close. Door makes adistinct “clicking” noise upon being opened. If the system is engaged, carefully follow the resetinstructions below or refer to the reset tag (attached to right hand end bracket) to reset theTorqueMaster® Plus system.Resetting an engaged TorqueMaster® Plus double spring system only:1. First, locate and visually inspect the TorqueMaster® plus end brackets to confirm that thesystem has engaged (see illustration).2. Disengage the drawbar operator (if installed) by pulling or placing the emergency disconnectin the manually operated position.3. With assistance, raise the door to the fully open position.4. Place vice clamps onto both vertical tracks just below the bottom track roller on both sides.5. Now is a good time to remove vehicles or personal items from garage to provide clear accessto end brackets.6. Flip the ratchet pawl knob on both end brackets to the upper position (see illustration).7. Raise door 2”-3” and then lower door. Repeat this process until the system resets (seedisengaged system illustrations).IMPORTANT: BE PREPARED TO SUPPORT THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE DOOR.8. Cautiously remove the vice clamps from the vertical tracks. With assistance lower door.Checking springs for tension:9. Starting on the right hand side, place a ratchet wrench, 5/8” socket and a 3” extension on theTorqueMaster® Plus winding shaft (see illustration). Ensure ratchet is set so that it will tightencounter clockwise on the right hand side, and clockwise on the left hand side. If tension is pres-ent, remove the ratchet and check the left hand side. If spring(s) have tension, the door will needto be balanced; refer to step, Balancing Door, to do this. If no spring tension is present, contact aqualified trained door system technician to replace the spring(s).IMPORTANT: TO AVOID POSSIBLE INJURY, HAVE A TRAINED DOOR SYSTEMS TECHNICIANMAKE ADJUSTMENTS/ REPAIRS TO COUNTERBALANCE LIFT CABLES, SPRING ASSEMBLIESAND OTHER HARDWARE.No space between drum pawl andcable drum indicates engagement Space between drum pawl and cabledrum indicates non-engagementRatchetpawlBelowviewSideview Drumpawl DrumpawlCabledrum CabledrumRatchetwrenchEnd bracketPawlWindingshaftRatchet wheelPawl knob inlower positionPawl knob inupper positionPawl3”extension5/8” socketTorqueMaster® Plusreset instructions tagDrum wrap(if applicable)Door Arm HookupTools: Needle nose pliersAlign hole in the door arm with holes in drawbar operator bracket tabs, as shown. Insert 5/16”x 1-1/4” clevis pin, making sure hole in clevis pin is outside of second tab of drawbar operatorbracket. Insert hairpin cotter into clevis pin hole and spread hairpin cotter to secure assembly,as shown.Drawbar operator bracketDrawbar operator bracket tabs5/16”x 1-1/4”Clevis pinDoor armCotter pinSpread cotter pinClevis pinTrolley Arm ConfigurationTools: Tape measure, LevelMeasure the horizontal radius of the horizontal track to determine if you have a 12” or 15” radiushorizontal track, as shown in FIG 1; if you have a low headroom door skip this step. Determinecenter line of the door. Mark vertical line at this point on the header, as shown in FIG 4. Raise thedoor slightly until the top section reaches the highest point of travel (high arc), as shown in FIG2 and FIG 3 for low headroom. Using a level, mark this high arc point onto the header where itintersects the vertical center line, as shown in FIG 4. Hold the wall bracket’s bottom edge 1/2” -1” (room permitting) above the high arc line and centered on the vertical center line, as shown inFIG 4. Mark the wall bracket’s mounting holes on the header wall and then refer to your garagedoor operator manual for pre-drilling and securing the wall bracket to header.Using the operator hook-up charts, refer to the referenced illustrations for correct arm hook-upfrom trolley to drawbar operator bracket. For low headroom, refer to drawbar operator hook-upchart for low headroom.NOTE: Refer to your operator manual for specific details on how to assembly the curved andstraight arm, as shown in FIG 5 and FIG 6, and FIG 7 and FIG 8 for low headroom.NOTE: Depending on your setup, you may or may not have to cut straight arm to accomplishtrolley settings.Align hole in the appropriate arm with holes in drawbar operator bracket tabs, as shown in step,Trolley Arm Hookup. Insert 5/16” x 1-1/4” clevis pin, making sure hole in clevis pin is outside ofsecond tab of drawbar operator bracket. Insert cotter pin into clevis pin hole and spread hairpincotter to ensure it will secure assembly.15Please Do Not Return This Product To The Store. Contact your local Wayne-Dalton dealer. To find your local Wayne-Dalton dealer,refer to your local yellow pages business listings or go to the Find a Dealer section online at www.Wayne-Dalton.comoptional Installation