4INSTALLATIONMOUNTING50M56X-843 can be mounted in any orientation and hasmultiple mounting points designed to align with manycommon OEM designs. Take note of how the original controlwas mounted, and if possible utilize the same method forthe replacement. However, an exact alignment with anOEM mounting pattern is not required as the control can bemounted to any suitable sheet metal surface in the furnace.Mounting Tabs & Screws: Any of the 7 tabs around theperimeter of the control can be used to secure the controlin conjunction with the included ½” self drilling sheet metalscrews. Unless there is a specific OEM mounting method thatis being replicated (which involves additional support pointsfrom the OEM bracket) a minimum of 2 sheet metal screwsis recommended to adequality secure the control, but up to4 can be used. The mounting tabs have been designed tobe easily cut off with a pair of snips or sidecutters to gainadditional mounting space if needed.Mounting Holes & Standoffs: The included standoffs aredesigned to be used in conjunction with common OEMstandoff mounting patterns. For standoff mounting, plugstandoffs directly into the 4 corner holes on the back sideof the plastic tray. Once standoffs are secured to the traylock the standoffs into matching locations in the sheet metalbracket with firm even pressure on the control cover.NOTE: All wiring should be installed according to local andnational electrical codes and ordinances1. Disconnect electrical power and shut off gas supply tounit, then remove unit access panels.2. Mark and disconnect all wires from the existing control,then remove existing control. Tip: Take a photo of theold control wiring for reference.3. Mount 50M56X-843 in the unit using one of themounting options noted in the Mounting section. Becertain not to damage any components such as wireharnesses or blower wheels when drilling or installingscrews.4. Identify the connector type on the board being replacedand/or the OEM wiring harness and attach it to theappropriate mating connector on the 50M56X-843control. Note: Some mating connectors on the controlhave subtle differences such as pins vs sockets in theconnector, see the Wiring Diagrams section for moreinfo on proper OEM connector identification.5. Connect all the remaining individual wires to thenew 50M56X-843 control board referencing the WiringDiagrams section as needed.6. Ensure all wires and connectors are secured tothe control board and unused blower speed wiresare attached to the PARK terminals. Note: PARKterminals are 3/16” spades but can be used to storeunused PSC (1/4”) or ECMx (3/16”) speed tapssince PARK terminals do not provide an electricalconnection to the attached motor leads.7. Use the WR Connect App or 7-Segment display tomatch the settings of the OEM control as described inthe Configuration and Application Notes sections.8. Install the included HotRodTM ignitor. Note: Thisis recommended for all units but is required for all 80Vcontrols listed in the Application Notes section.9. Allow the control to complete its AutomaticConfiguration sequence (takes about 30 seconds).10. Reinstall unit access panels and reconnect electricpower. Restore gas supply to the unit. Verify unitoperation in heating, cooling, and fan only modes.Removable MountingRemovable MountingTab LocationsTab Locations(Screws)(Screws)Mounting HoleMounting HoleLocations (Standoffs)Locations (Standoffs)