White Rodgers 50M56X-843 Installation Instructions Manual
6APPLICATION & OPERATION NOTESloads are present on specific connector terminals. It is criticalthat system wiring match one of the scenarios outlined in theWiring Diagrams section and that all system components(such as inducer motors and pressure switches) are operatingproperly prior to automatic configuration taking place.Automatic configuration occurs during the first power up andis verified at the next power up. After the same applicationis detected 2 consecutive times, the correspondingconfiguration is written to memory and automaticconfiguration will no longer occur at power up. However oncestored, the automatic configuration can always be clearedusing menu option 5 (CHC). If an automatic configurationerror code (E41) is reported, verify all wiring connectionsare correct, all components in the system are present andfunctioning properly before power cycling the control andattempting another automatic configuration process.Note: A single valid automatic configuration is sufficient toproceed with control installation and verification testing.Blower Type Selection and Speed Settings50M56X-843 is able to replace furnaces with PSC or ECMx(constant torque) blower motors. The motor type present inthe furnace must be configured by the installer based on theoptions in the Configurations Menu option number 6 (BLr).PSC options include 2 speed (heat & cool) or 3 speed (heat,cool, and fan). ECMx options include 2 (heat & hi-cool),3 (heat, hi-cool, & fan), 4 (heat, lo-cool, hi-cool, & fan), 5,and 9 speed options. For 5 (F01 – F05) and 9 (F01-F09)speed blowers use the Configuration Menu to select theappropriate speed for cool, heat, and fan. For 2 speed motorsconstant fan (G) calls will default to the heat speed.Note: If additional fan speed connections are available via themotor wiring but not in use, the system can be upgraded tooperate with additional blower speeds in certain scenarios, forexample constant fan, dehumidification, and/or high and lowcooling. Reference OEM literature for more information on fanspeed connections and approximate CFM.Roll Out ConfigurationCertain Trane, American Standard, and York (including YorkP3UR / PCLU) furnaces do not have an individually monitoredrollout switch in their main harness wiring configuration andinstead place the rollout switch in series with other limitswitches for example the high limit (HL) switch. As thesemodels share the same connector #8 in the Wiring Diagramswith other OEMs that utilize a separately monitored rolloutswitch between pins 5 and 11. Instead of using a physicalshunt jumper or wire accessory to bypass the rollout input forthese applications, changing Configuration Menu settingnumber 21 (rOb) to Yes will digitally bypass the rollout inputs.Note: Failure to bypass the rollout input for certain Trane,American Standard, and York furnaces that do not requireone will disable furnace operation and result in a rolloutswitch open error (E07).OEM Wiring Terminal Spacing ConnectorRetrofit (Special Case)Some OEM furnaces, for example Trane and AmericanStandard, have a plastic connector housing that groupstogether line and neutral spade terminals. This is done sothey can plug onto OEM controls all at once saving timeon the manufacturer’s production line albeit at a cost ofexpanded spacing and therefore limited room for additionalaccessory terminals such as electronic air cleaners and 120Vhumidifiers.If encountered during replacement, simply snip off the wirenear the plastic connector housing, strip the insulation, andcrimp on one of the provided ¼” female spade terminals.Then connect the black wires to Line terminals (Line-H,XFMR-H, & CIRC-H) and connect white wires to neutralterminals.Note: The 3 line connections (Line-H, XFMR-H, & CIRC-H)are electrically continuous as are all neutral terminalconnections. As such, the order of connection is arbitrary ina retrofit scenario as long as all 120V line connections (blackwires) are connected to a line terminal and all 120V neutralconnections (white wires) are connected to a neutral terminal.FLAME SENSOR KIT Required on RHEEM/RUUD Models (1994 and earlier)If the control being replaced has 2 green lights (no amberlight), and a date code of 3294 or earlier, a Flame Sensor Kit,RHEEM part number 62-24044-71 is required (not availablethrough White-Rodgers).Replacing Previously Installed UniversalControlsWhen replacing a failed Resideo/Honeywell H9200U1000,ICM ICM2812-KIT & ICM-2812, or White-Rodgers 50M56U-843 & 50X57-843 (unlikely scenario), identify and remove anywiring adapter harness between OEM furnace wiring and thefailed universal control prior to replacement with 50M56X-843.Status Display During Active CallsDuring an active call for heat, cool, or constant fan, thedisplay will alternate between up to 3 status indicators. Asoutlined in Table 2, the first indicator will display the activecall from the thermostat. If applicable the active motor speedselection will also be displayed alongside flame current (inheating mode only). If an active error code is present, itwill be displayed in an alternating pattern with the othersdiscussed above. |
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