Phoenix Installationand Operation ManualPG 16 OF 40M0029�09 SEPTEMBER 2017An ongoing program of product improvement mayrequire us to change specifications without notice.WOOD STONE CORPORATION1801 W. Bakerview Rd.Bellingham, WA 98226 USATEL +1.360.650.1111FAX +1.360.650.1166E-MAIL info@woodstone-corp.comwoodstone-corp.comASSEMBLY3. Using a forklift or other suitable lifting device, carefullylower the body of the oven on to the stand so that thebolt holes line up� While supporting the oven with thelift, install the 10 mm x 25 mm (3/8" x 1") carriagebolts� Use the washers provided and tighten all nutssecurely� Be sure to use the forklift pockets whenlifting the body of the oven�4. After the oven body is bolted to the stand, the oven can be moved into place with a pallet jack using the LOWER forkliftpockets� If the oven is to be installed against a wall, leave access to the back of the oven until the assembly is completed�CAUTION: The 3030 model Phoenix weighs approximately 445 kg, the 4343 approximately 953 kg, the 4355approximately 1134 kg and the 4836 approximately 816 kg. All models are very top-heavy. If the oven tips, it cancause severe injury or death! The oven should only be moved in this manner (pallet jack) on a LEVEL FLOOR. Do notattempt to move the oven with a hand truck. If the oven must be moved over an inclined surface, a forklift or othersuitable means should be employed. If the installer does not have the equipment or experience required to move theoven safely, we recommend you secure the services of a qualified rigging company.Make sure the pallet jackwheels do not contact theunderside of the fork pocketwhen lifting to avoid damagingthe stand.Never attempt to use a handtruck to move the oven.The oven should only be movedusing a pallet jack on a LEVELFLOOR. If the oven must be movedover an inclined surface, a forkliftor other suitable means should beemployed.