XPR16H - User Manual56 Step 2: Fill in the relevant fields for setting the designated email. The fields are detailed as follows:o SMTP Server: The name of the SMTP servero Port: The server port number.o SSL: Select this check-box if the user’s server requires a secure connection (SSL)o Send Address/Password: User’s designated email address/password from which notifications will be sent.o Receive Address: Users can add at up to three email addresses to receive any notifications.o Attaching image: User can set the amount of images that can be sent at one time (maximum of 3)o Snap Time Interval: User can select the time between the snapshots being taken. Step 3: Click the “Test” button to check if the settings for the email addresses are correct. Step 4: Click “Apply” to save any changes4.6.4 Other settingsThis interface is in relation to the user setting up remote access to the DVR so that it can be accessed over a browser viathe internet.Note: A user must set-up an account with a suitable Dynamic DNS (DDNS) provider before they can fill out the relevantfields in this section. These providers allow you to point a hostname to a dynamic or static IP address or URL. We haveused www.dyndns.com to illustrate this example. For further details on setting up a DDNS account see below: