1714.5 Print Services on Web: Job and Log4.5 Print Services on Web: Job and LogThe Print Services on Web [Job and Log] tab enables the user to perform thefollowing.• Display the Print Queue• Cancel and Change the Priority of Jobs• Manage the Job and Error LogsDisplay the Print QueuePerform the procedure below to display a list of the jobs that are currentlyprinting and in the print queue.Procedure1 Start Print Services on Web and display the [Job and Log] tab on eitherthe User Page or the Administrator Page.• The Print Services on Web [Help] function provides step-by-stepinstructions for performing many of the tasks described below. It also listsand describes the items and fields that appear on the screens. To access[Help], click the [?] button in the upper, right corner of the screen.Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals