5-2 Phaser 6250 Color Laser Printer Service ManualPrint-Quality Problems OverviewPrint-quality defects can be attributed to printer components, consumables, media,internal software, external software applications, and environmental conditions. Tosuccessfully troubleshoot print-quality problems, as many variables as possible mustbe eliminated. The first Step is to generate prints using printable pages embedded inthe printer on laser paper from the supported media list. The paper should be from anunopened ream that has been acclimated to room temperature and humidity.See the supported media list in "Xerox Supplies and Accessories" on page 9-51 formedia that has been tested and approved for use in the Phaser 6250 printer. If theprint-quality defect is still present when printing on approved media from anunopened ream, then software applications and environmental conditions need to beresearched.Print the Printer Status Page or Service Usage Profile to determine the temperatureand humidity under which the printer is operating. Compare this to the environmentalspecifications for the printer found in "Environmental Specifications" on page 1-13 ofthis manual. Temperature and humidity extremes can adversely effect theXerographic and fusing characteristics of the printer.The Phaser 6250 printer uses an Imaging Unit that contains all the imaging drums anddevelopers for all four colors in one Routine Maintenance Item. Print-quality defectscan be isolated to one particular component in the print engine, See the RepeatingDefects chart under "Defects Associated with Specific Printer Components" onpage 5-3 or print the Repeating Defects Page from the front panel. When a singlecomponent of the Imaging Unit is causing a print-quality defect, the entire ImagingUnit must be replaced.When analyzing a print-quality defect, first determine if the defect occurs in all colorsor only one color and if it is repeating or random. Defects occurring in only one colorare usually attributable to the Imaging Unit. Continuous defects in the processdirection, such as voids and lines, are the most difficult to diagnose. The visiblesurfaces of all rollers should be inspected for obvious defects. If no defects areobserved, the Imaging Unit, Transfer Roller and Fuser should be changed one at atime until the defect has been eliminated.