3-2 Phaser 7750 Printer Service ManualIntroductionThis section covers troubleshooting procedures for the Phaser 7750 printer front panelerror messages and codes. Only jams and fatal errors will produce an associatednumeric code. Error messages and codes are generally specific, making it importantthat service personnel and users record errors when reporting problems with theprinter. Any code associated with an error message or jam can be viewed by pressingthe INFO button and scrolling to the bottom of the help text displayed on the frontpanel.Some procedures require performing service diagnostic tests to verify a specificprinter part is operating correctly. For information on Service Diagnostics and allinternal printer test functions, refer to "Service Diagnostics" on page 4-2.To troubleshoot problems not associated with a front panel message or code, see"General Troubleshooting" on page 4-1.When an error first occurs, record the error message and code then cycle power to theprinter to see if the error recurs.Always follow the safety measures detailed in the front of the manual when servicingthe printer, see “Service Safety Summary” on page vii.Accessing the Printer’s Error HistoryIf an error message or code is not visible on the front panel, and the printer is stillcapable of printing, print one of the following pages from the printer’s front panel.1. Engine Error Historya. Go to Troubleshooting ---> Service Tools --> Engine Error Historyand press OK.2. Jam Historya. Go to Troubleshooting ---> Service Tools --> Jam History and pressOK.3. Service Usage Profile - For a definition of the numeric codes, see "ServiceUsage Profile Status Codes" on page A-5.a. Go to Troubleshooting ---> Service Tools --> Service Usage Profileand press OK.If the Printer is Unable to PrintIf the printer is connected to a network and has a TCP/IP address, view the printer’sweb page using a web browser.1. Open a web browser.2. Enter the printer’s IP address as the URL.3. Select the Troubleshoot link and the fault history displays.