3 Copy68 Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre/WorkCentre Pro 123/128 Quick Reference Guide• Style – Displays the [Annotation - Page Number - Style] screen. Select a style forthe page number. If you select a [1/N, 2/N, 3/N] option, the [N: Total Pages] optiondisplays. Select [Auto] to enable the machine to count the page automatically to findthe total, or select [Enter Number] to manually enter the total number of pages. Thenumber is then printed after the individual page number.• Position – Displays the [Annotation - Page Number - Position] screen. Select whereto place the page number on the page.• Print On – Displays the [Annotation - Page Number - Print On] screen. Specifypages which require the page number, and the initial page number to use. The rangeof numbering pages is selectable from [All Pages] and [Enter First page Number]. Ifyou select [All Pages], a [Start Number] must be entered using the scroll buttons orthe numeric keypad. If you select [Enter First page Number], manually enter [StartPage] and [Start Number].Select [Include Cover/Separators] when you want to print the page number on thecover page or the divider.Set NumberingThis feature allows you to add information such as a control number, predeterminedtext and the machine serial number to copy output.1. Select [Set Numbering] on the[Output Format] screen.2. Select the required option.3. Select [Save].Control NumberNumbers the documents and prints sequential numbers on the copies. The [SetNumbering - Control Number] screen is displayed and the following options areavailable:• Off – Disables the feature.• On – Enables the feature. You can input up to 999 as a start number.TextPrints one of the prefixed phrases on the copies. The [Set Numbering - Text] screen isdisplayed and the following options are available:• Off – Disables the feature.• On – Enables the feature. Select [Copy Prohibited], [Copy] or [Duplicate] for thephrase.User Account NumberPrints the User Account No when the Authentication or Auditron Administration featureis enabled.