Xerox CopyCentre C20, WorkCentre M20 and WorkCentre M20i User Guide Page 3-13CopyTransparenciesz Use to create asingle set oftransparencieswith blank orprintedseparators.Off Use to de-activate thefeature.¾ Press [Menu/Exit].¾ Using the Navigation Keys select [Copy Features]and press [Enter].¾ Use the Navigation Keys to select[Transparencies] and press [Enter].¾ Use the Navigation Keys to select [Bypass] andpress [Enter].¾ Use the Navigation Keys to select [Off], [Printed]or [Blank] for the separators and press [Enter].¾ Select a Paper Tray for the separators and press[Enter].Bypass Use to create a single setof transparencies with ablank or printed dividerbetween eachtransparency.Create Bookletz Use to copy adocument as a 2Sided job andarrange thepages toproduce abooklet whenfolded.On Use to activate the’Create Booklet’ feature.¾ Press [Menu/Exit].¾ Using the Navigation Keys select [Copy Features]and press [Enter].¾ Use the Navigation Keys to select [CreateBooklet] and press [Enter].¾ Select [On] and press [Enter].Off Use to de-activate thefeature.N Upz Use to print 2 or4 originalimages reducedon to one page.Off Use to de-activate thefeature.¾ Press [Menu/Exit].¾ Using the Navigation Keys to select [CopyFeatures] and press [Enter].¾ Use the Navigation Keys to select [N Up] andpress [Enter].¾ Select the required N Up option and press [Enter].2 Up Use to print the imagesfrom 2 originals on to onepage.4 Up Use to print the imagesfrom 4 originals on to onepage.Downloaded From Manuals