DEFINING THE PRINTER TO THE HOST: TCP/IP ATTACHMENTXEROX DOCUPRINT 96/4635/180 IPS INSTALLATION PLANNING GUIDE E-317. Select Create. An entry representing the IPS is created withinthe PSF/2 Control Panel Main window.4. Define a PSF/2 print queue for the printer (optional)You may define a PSF/2 queue for the IPS, using the PFT/2 ControlPanel. (You must complete step 3—defining the IPS printer to PSF/2—before starting this step.)1. From the PSF/2 Control Panel main window, select the entry forthe IPS (created in step 3).2. On the Control Panel Main window, select the Options menubutton.3. From the Options menu, select “Setup queues.” The SetupQueues window appears.4. On the Setup Queues window, enter your values for theparameters displayed there. The following table describesthose parameters.IP address None IPS printerinstallationAddress configuredduring the IPSinstallation.A name can be enteredif the TCP/IP networkadministratorappropriatelyconfigures the OS/2HOSTS file or anappropriate domainname server. Can bealphabetic name (e.g.,DNS) if network is soconfigured.TCP/IP Portnumber5001 IPS UIconfigurationInterface windowand subwindowsValid TCP/IP portnumber between5001 and 32767.Applicable only to TCP/IP printers. Ensurechosen port number isnot in the TCP/IP list ofreserved port numbers.Form definition Your choice See online Help. See your hostcomputer’s online Helpfor sample formsdefinitions.Connect timeout 30 secs. Your choice 0 to 65535 This is the number ofseconds PSF/2 willspend attempting tocontact the IPS printer.A value of 0 causesPSF/2 to keep tryingindefinitely.DeviceResolutionXerox IPS printerinstallation240 or 300 Resolution of printer asset during IPS printerinstallation (used whenprinting OS/2metafile77+s)Table E-24.Parameters for PSF/2 device definition (continued)Itemdescription Default Source of value Acceptable range Comments Your value