IPS APPLICATION MIGRATION4-4 DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDEISISISIS provides two different product families to create, edit, and printAFP resources and documents:• The ISIS OverView product family, which runs on a PC andconnects to the mainframe via 3270 emulation session or theISIS APPC module• The Papyrus Document System which runs on multipleplatforms and builds on the AFP architecture.OverView AFP DesignerA program developed for AFP only, the OverView AFP Designeroffers integrated development of an AFP application with multipleforms and PageDef data layout. This program is fully compatible withIBM OGL and PPFA and allows you to display and design using theactual print line-data file visible. The applications can then be printedthrough AFP on MVS, VSE, VM, AIX, OS/400, OS/2, and Windowsplatforms.OverView Font & Image EditorThis program is a PC-based graphical editor for AFP fonts thatsupports the editing and generation of AFP fonts and page segmentobjects. It supports bounded box and unbounded box fonts in 240 dpiand enables the editing of characters, code pages, and coded fonts.It also includes double-byte character sets and 300 dpi support. TheImage Editor includes a TIFF conversion utility.OverView AFPDS CompilerThis feature is like having your own mainframe on your desktop. Itcompletely emulates the functionality of the IBM OGL/370 and PPFA/370 products while enabling 300 dpi and color support for overlays.This product runs on OS/2, Windows NT, and Windows95 systems.OverView Digitizer Pad SupportThis program is an optional software feature that provides aninterface for industry standard CAD drawing pads. It operates inparallel with the mouse, providing accurate position information fromthe existing form. As you digitize the form, the system creates OGLsource code which can be printed without requiring a conversion.OverView PageEXECPageEXEC is a stand-alone or PSF/2-integrated programcomponent that executes the IBM PageDef description and convertsa line data file to an AFPDS document file. It provides complete PSFfunctionality in an OS/2 environment, and also provides functionalityof PSF/MVS and PSF/6000 transparently on the OS/2 platform. Thisproduct is also compatible with IBM’s AFP Conversion and IndexingFacility (ACIF), allowing you to generate the TLE index of adocument.Papyrus DesignerThis product allows you to develop document applications usingvisual and graphical techniques. Papyrus Designer runs on your PC,allowing you to create forms, bar code applications, images,overlays, and page layouts. It incorporates the functionality ofOverView AFP Designer for forms and PageDef design and thedevelopment component for multi-page statements.