INCORPORATING XEROX VALUE-ADDED FEATURES5-12 DOCUPRINT IPS SOLUTIONS GUIDEMICR applicationsYou may print documents that include MICR fonts on the DocuPrint96, 4635, and 180 MICR IPS printers. Xerox provides the IPS MICRfont kit which includes the E13B and the CMC-7 MICR fonts, MICRdiagnostic forms and installation instructions. These fonts are loadedinto your 300 dpi font library and used for all MICR applicationsprinted on the DocuPrint 96, 4635, and 180 MICR IPS printers.While other printers may also print MICR applications, they do notguarantee their printing and product quality. Xerox stands behind theperformance of Xerox MICR laser printers and the Xerox benchmarkMICR inks. We will assist our customer in investigating and resolvingbank-reported MICR performance or reject rate problems. If we areunable to resolve the issues, we will reimburse the customer for feesthey are required to pay to their bank for excessive rejects of checksprinted after Xerox was notified of the problem, and where it isverified by Xerox that Xerox MICR materials or printer-related checkdefects are the cause of the imposition of the fees.Use of a non-Xerox E13B and CMC-7 MICR font is not supported andwill invalidate the Xerox Check Performance Guarantee. Any Xeroxcost incurred in this regard may be billed to the customer.MICR printing on the DocuPrint 96, 4635, and 180 MICR IPS printersYou can print your existing MICR applications that were originallycreated for an IBM 3828 MICR printer on the DocuPrint 96, 4635, and180 MICR IPS printers. This printer accesses the Xerox AFP MICRfonts to print the MICR characters required for the document. Allother font resources for MICR applications printing must be suppliedat 300 dpi resolution.