MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICESXEROX DOCUPRINT 92C NPS GUIDE TO PERFORMING ROUTINE MAINTENANCE 9-3Xerox Customer EducationXerox offers instructor-led workshops that teach DocuPrint NPSsystem technical training curriculum. Workshops are designed toprovide a system overview, as well as forms creation, job control, andincreased productivity expertise. Courses are available for operators,administrators, and for those who use Decomposition Service.For detailed information about any of the courses, to enroll inworkshops, or to order the self-study courses, call Xerox CustomerEducation at:1-800-445-5554 (or your local Xerox operating company).You can also access their web site billing metersOn a regular basis, usually every month, you need to report yourprinter billing meter readings to Xerox.To do this, you need the serial number for your system. The serialnumber is located behind the narrow door to the far left, on the frontof the printer. If you are reporting meters for other Xerox printersduring the same call, make sure you have the serial number availablefor each one before calling.If you know how to read the billing meters for your system, you canhave that information ready when you call. Otherwise, the servicerepresentative will provide you with instructions when you call.To report billing meter readings, call 1-800-891-8405 (all U.S.locations) or contact your local Xerox operating company.