XES Synergix 8825/8830/8855 Digital Solution Folding Supplement 1Title Block Position is Incorrecton the Folded PrintSystem ConsistencyIn order for the Printing System to print and produce a folded copy with thetitle block in the desired location, the modules (Folder, Printer, Controller,and Workstation) must be setup with consistent information. Folding Styles,Media Size (ANSI, ARCH, ISO), and the Workstation Client Tool/Print DriverFinishing properties must all be set up so that they are communicating withthe same finishing information.Finishing information (Folding programs) resides at the Finishing Device. Inthe case of folding, a Folder comes programmed with many Fold Types thatare capable of providing the types of folds required for standard size ARCH,ANSI or ISO drawings. These Fold Types then must be enabled on theFolder for it to make the correct fold. Some Folders come pre-programmedfrom the factory with the customer’s folding requirements already enabled.Others must have the programs loaded by the service personnel. The Printeris next in the folding chain. It must have the correct media size(s) loaded inorder for it to print the file on the correct size media. Then at theWorkstation, the AccXES Client Tool (ACT) and/or Print Driver (HP-GL2,Postscript, ADI/HDI) finishing properties must be set up to match the Printerand Folder.Bi-directional CommunicationsIf the print driver’s bi-directional communications are enabled; the finishinginformation will automatically be updated at the workstation. If bi-directionalcommunication is not enabled or available, the finishing properties will haveto be manually setup. The ACT tools and some print drivers do not supportbi-directional communications; therefore the folder type information must beinstalled in the form of a finisher file (.fin files). Some .fin files are providedwith the ACT software and must be installed in the ACT Tool. Thisinformation will get the file on the correct size media and folded correctly..fin fileA finisher file (.fin file) describes the capabilities and requirements for aparticular finishing device. In the case of a Folder, it describes the fold styleavailable, and the input requirements to produce the folds. These files areused to setup the Finishing properties of the Client Tools and Print Driversthat do not have bi-directional communications capabilities.Xerox Engineering Systems provides a Finisher File Creator program on theWEB site at www.xes.com. This program is used to create a finisher file forthe finishing device connected to a Synergix 8825/8830 Digital Solution.Title Block LocationThe location of the title block on the folded print is also an importantrequirement. The location will define the folded output orientation and style.It must be visible so that the print can be readily identifiable at the folder andwhere it will be archived. In order for the Title Block to be located correctly,the location of the title block on the file must be identified to the system. Thisis done in the Finishing property window of the Client Tool/Print Driver byselecting the Title Block location that matches the title block location on thefile.With some drivers, the title block may not be located in the position as it isviewed on the workstation. (E.g.: the drawing may appear in landscape onthe workstation, but in actuality it is a portrait orientation.). The driversettings may also manipulate the file to give you the print job that wasrequested. Unfortunately this is not realized until the file is printed and thenfolded. In cases such as this, you will need to identify the title block locationbased on the folded print and send the job again. Other factors and/orprinting feature requests such as Scaling, Rotation, Mismatch, folding styles,and media sizes in the printer will affect the location of the title block. Tosatisfy these printing requests the system may need to scale, rotate the print,etc. to satisfy the print request. Also, there will be print jobs that will not beable to be printed with the title block visible in the folded copy.