XES Synergix 8825/8830/8855 Digital Solution Folding Supplement 2) Typically standard size files, printed on standard size media, with thetitle block located as positioned in the file, will fold with the title blockvisible on the folded copy.Document/Title Block OrientationTitle Block and document orientation into the folder is very important.Folders generally have a preferred title block location for each orientation ofthe print. Since the Folder cannot sense the title block position, the foldprograms assume a location. These orientations are Short Edge Leading(SEL) and Long Edge Leading (LEL). When the title block is in the preferredlocation as it enters the folder, the folded print will have the title blockvisible. Depending on the fold style, the title block maybe face up or facedown in the output catch bin.Short Edge LeadingThere are two document orientations Short Edge Leading (SEL) and LongEdge Leading (LEL). The standard or most common orientation is SEL,which is defined as image up, title block leading and short edge leading(Figure 1).Figure 1. Short Edge LeadingLong Edge LeadingLong Edge Leading (Figure 2) which is defined as image up, title blockleading, long edge leading is being used more with printing electronic fileswhich can be rotated and electronically manipulated with the software.However, this orientation presents more problems and restrictions for thefolding programs, such as prints whose LEL is larger than the width of themedia rolls in the printer. This will require that the print be rotated to put theprint on the available media. This image manipulation may position the titleblock in a location that when folded will not have the title block visible on thefolded copy.Figure 2. Long Edge LeadingPRINTER FOLDERPrintPRINTER FOLDERPrint